Determination of influence factores and stress concentration factor for express strength calculations of single-cut bolted connections of layered composite plates. Message 1




bolted joint, polymer composite plate, stress-strain state, stress concentration factor, influence parameter, strength


When designing bolted joints (BJ), it is necessary, in particular, to carry out their verification calculations for strength.  At the same time, it is desirable to use express analysis: calculations by simple formulas of sufficient accuracy. For BJ of plates made of layered polymer composite materials (PCM), the problem has not been solved yet.

Objective. To revise, to rethink and structure the formulas for the express calculation of the maximum stress when the hole is in contact with a rigid cylinder (bolt). Carry out a review on contrasting examples of materials and schemes of PCM plate reinforcement, taking into account possible lateral bolt/hole clearances in a practically relevant range, based on previously obtained and new results.

Numerical calculations were carried out using the finite element method (contact problem) for the BJ plate made of laminated PCM. 3D orthotropy of each monolayer was assumed. Several simple express analysis formulas were checked, and their structuring was carried out. The results are summarized in a table, illustrations are given.

Five factores influencing the value of the maximum tensile stress near the hole in the laminated PCM plate are separated. Numerical estimates were obtained that characterize the degree of influence on the stress concentration on the surface of the hole: material characteristics, reinforcement scheme, and bolt/hole gap sizes in the laminated PCM plate, as well as the accuracy of the considered formulas.

A change in the material and scheme of reinforcement of the layered PCM leads to a significant change in the values ​​of the maximum stresses and stress concentration factor (SCF) in the bolt-loaded hole in the cross-section of the plate weakened by the hole. The considered express analysis formulas have insufficient accuracy for contrasting cases of materials and plate reinforcement schemes. Additional research is needed, especially for the reinforcement scheme [φ/-φ]2s  at 0<φ<90.


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How to Cite

K. Rudakov and Y. Dyfuchyn, “Determination of influence factores and stress concentration factor for express strength calculations of single-cut bolted connections of layered composite plates. Message 1”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 8, no. 4(103), pp. 373–384, Dec. 2024.


