The Pushing Mechanism Design of Jumping Robot




jumping robot, cam mechanism, design, solid model, cam profile


The paper presents the features of the design and possible application areas of the cam mechanism of a jumping robot. The design and technological parameters of the robot are substantiated according to its mass, the stiffness of the spring, the impact system, as well as the profile surface of the cam using the environment of Autodesk Inventor.
Directions for the development of jumping robot designs are highlighted, and the feasibility of developing cam mechanisms for robots is substantiated, considering the direction of its jump according to the distribution of forces and applied loads.
The calculation of the forces, power, and structural parameters of the impact system is presented, and all stages of the jumping process are thoroughly analyzed. These stages include the compression of the spring by a lever-type device, the removal of the compressing device, the release of the spring, and the final ballistic phase (flight phase).


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How to Cite

R. Zinko, M. Lobur, A. Zdobytskyi, and T. Stefanovych, “The Pushing Mechanism Design of Jumping Robot”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 8, no. 4(103), pp. 364–372, Dec. 2024.



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