Zirconium-based tribotechnical self-lubricating detonation coatings





detonation coating, wear intensity, structural and phase composition, graphitization, tribological properties


The article is devoted to the current problem of development and study of properties of highly effective antifriction coatings, the use of which provides self-lubrication due to the formation of solid lubricating oils.

The purpose of the work is related to the study of the structural-phase composition and study of tribological properties of detonation coatings of the Zr-Ti-V-Cr-Si-C-MgC2 system under load conditions in the sliding velocity field.

The generalized results of theoretical and applied research according to the objectives of this work are presented. The optimum structural and phase composition of the coatings under study has been established. The technology for obtaining a powder mixture has been developed and the technological process for forming zirconium-based coatings has been improved. According to the results of the studies, it is noted that for the conditions under consideration, both the presence of a thin graphite layer and the formation of dispersed secondary structures are a means of self-regulation of the wear process. Their combined action provides modification of the friction surface and shields unacceptable seizure processes. The results of the studies have shown that the developed coatings demonstrate high and stable antifriction properties in the entire load-speed range of tests.

The proposed innovative zirconium-based coatings can be widely used to restore or strengthen parts by any methods using powder materials. The most effective application of these coatings corresponds to situations in which the use of traditional lubricating oils is undesirable.


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How to Cite

V. Shchepetov, N. Fialko, S. Bys, and C. Zvorykin, “Zirconium-based tribotechnical self-lubricating detonation coatings”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 8, no. 4(103), pp. 413–418, Dec. 2024.


