Distribution of magnetic field strength along a wheel tooth depending on the shape of the inductor





magnetic pulse processing, inductor, magnetic field strength, gear wheel, magnetic induction


The research is aimed at determining the optimal shape of the inductor for processing the teeth of a large-sized gear wheel by magnetic pulse processing. The work studies the distribution of the magnetic field strength along the area of ​​the wheel tooth, depending on the type of inductor. This is necessary in order to predict the distribution of changes in the metal structure caused by MIO and their effect on the wear resistance of the wheel. The main task of the research is to establish the dependence of the magnetic field strength indicators on the shape and length of the inductor. Identifying the need for the presence or absence of a core.

Two types of inductors were considered: the first involute shape is worn on the wheel tooth, the second is located in the cavity between the wheel teeth. The calculation of the magnetic field strength distribution was carried out using the ANSYS Maxwel software package.

As a result of the research, it was found that the most effective for conducting magnetic pulse processing is the inductor of the first type, which is worn on the wheel tooth. The average values ​​of the magnetic field strength are 330-380 kA/m, which is sufficient for structural changes in the surface layer of the metal over the entire area of ​​the working surface of the tooth. The inductor of the second type, the length of which corresponds to the width of the gear crown, is ineffective. Since the magnitude of the magnetic field strength generated by it in the working area of ​​the wheel reaches only 29-67 kA/m and does not lead to structural changes in the surface layer of the metal. Increasing the length, as well as using cores of round and triangular shapes, did not give significant changes in the magnitude of the strength. It was also determined that the use of a shortened inductor of the second type is promising. In further studies of the optimal length of the inductor, it is recommended to study the direction and find out whether it is possible to process the gear wheel by stepwise movement of the inductor along the working surface of the tooth.


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How to Cite

O. Dubinina and V. Medvedev, “Distribution of magnetic field strength along a wheel tooth depending on the shape of the inductor”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 8, no. 4(103), pp. 353–363, Dec. 2024.



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