Modeling of the precursor configuration influence on the thermoelectric parameters of the high-pressure apparatus during GaN recrystallization from the Fe–Ga–N system




gallium nitride, high-pressure apparatus, cell, thermal state, recrystallization, finite element method


To solve the actual problem of obtaining the gallium nitride polycrystals it is proposed to use a toroidal-type high-pressure apparatus for which a growth cell has been designed for the recrystallization of GaN from the Fe–Ga–N solution-melt by the temperature gradient method.
The purpose of the work is to study the thermal state of the cell and define the optimal conditions for resistive heating of the high-pressure apparatus, which provide the necessary temperature distributions for GaN crystallization.
Computer modeling of the thermal state of the high-pressure apparatus was carried out. The quasi-steady coupled problem of electrical and thermal conductivity was solved using the finite element method. The influence of the configuration of the GaN precursor on the nature of the change in the thermoelectric parameters of the high-pressure apparatus during GaN recrystallization was determined.
As a result of the calculations, the temperature and temperature gradient fields of the investigated system GaN precursor–Fe–Ga–N solution-melt–GaN polycrystal in successive stages of the crystallization process were obtained. It was defined that the GaN recrystallization process under high pressure and temperature conditions leads to a decrease in the temperature gradient in the growing system and an increase in the heating power of the high-pressure apparatus. This happens as a result of a change in the conductive properties of the growth medium as a result of the formation of a recrystallized GaN phase.
The proposed computer modeling technique allows designing cells and improving GaN crystal growth regimes using the temperature gradient method.


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How to Cite

O. Liudvichenko, O. Lyeshchuk, and O. Anisin, “Modeling of the precursor configuration influence on the thermoelectric parameters of the high-pressure apparatus during GaN recrystallization from the Fe–Ga–N system”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 9, no. 1(104), pp. 59–63, Mar. 2025.


