Study of geometry angles forming a coaxial nozzle to performance of laser fusion powder composition


  • P. Kondrashev Національний технічний університет України "Київський політехнічний інститут", Ukraine



performance, mathematical model, powder formulation, laser alloying


The main purpose of scientific and experimental research, as reflected in this work is the search for solutions and approaches aimed at improving process performance laser alloying powder composition focused laser radiation. Priori information analysis showed the complexity of the process of laser powder fusion tracks from the physical point of view with a lot of technological impacts. Therefore, in this paper we used the method of experimental design, which will allow a more accurate experimental results compared with other methods of research. Based on the experimental screening were identified most significant technological factors influence. These are: powder mass flow, the geometric configuration of the delivery means of powder composition in the area of laser processing, the speed of movement of the substrate. To study the process performance laser alloying powder compositions were applied methods of mathematical statistics, namely, was elected symmetric quasi-D-optimal plan Pisochynskoho for 3 technological factors influence that has good statistical properties and sold regression equation of second order. As a result of the measures was received mathematical model of laser powder fusion focused laser radiation in a second order polynomial. The technique demonstrated the productivity of the process of laser powder fusion focused laser radiation, obtained by using a mathematical model of the process.


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How to Cite

P. Kondrashev, “Study of geometry angles forming a coaxial nozzle to performance of laser fusion powder composition”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(79), pp. 76–81, Jun. 2017.



Original study