Static calculation of the “Spindle unit” elastic system by using transfer matrices method




metal-cutting machine tool, spindle unit, elastic-deformation model, decoupling of the elastic system, transfer matrices method


Abstract. Methodology, that allows to use the transfer matrices method for the static calculation of spindle unit as elastic system, which consists of a few associate subsystems, has been developed. Restrictions of the dynamic compliances method use for static calculations of «spindle unit» system decomposing has been stated. For such calculations it is suggested to conduct the decoupling of the system with the use of mixed method of indefinable beam systems static calculation. The elastically-deformation model of the «Spindle unit» system, that consist of subsystems: tool, spindle, spindle housing elastically mounted on the machine-tool bed, is being presented. The scheme of decoupling of this system for static calculations has been developed. The analytical solution of task of the elastic displacements calculation in the characteristic points of subsystems has been obtained. The algorithm of static calculation of the «Spindle unit» elastic system has been developed. Offered approach allows applying an identical methodological base for the static and dynamic characteristics simulation of the «Spindle unit» elastic system.


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How to Cite

Y. M. Danylchenko and M. Storchak, “Static calculation of the ‘Spindle unit’ elastic system by using transfer matrices method”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(79), pp. 11–18, Jun. 2017.



Original study