The simulation of radial-backward extrusion processes of hollow parts


  • Leila Aliievа ДГМА, г. Краматорск, Ukraine
  • Natalia Grudkina ДГМА, г. Краматорск, Ukraine
  • Karsten Krueger Технический университет Дрездена, г. Дрезден, Germany



power method, kinematics modules, field of speeds, pressure of deformation


Purpose. The comparison of different design schemes with simulation of upper bound method in combined radial-backward extrusion and investigation of power mode in extrusion process with hollow part such as cup of flange from solid billet are considered. Design/methodology/approach. The different kinematics modules are compared. The kinematics of velocity field and best kinematics modules such as triangular curved modules are defined. Linearization integrands dependencies are shown that inefficiencies due to difficulties in the selection of suitable approximate functions for a total volume of keystone modules. For getting upper bound ratings deformation forces in these modules are used approximate integration based on the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Findings. The comparison of theoretical and experimental in pressure deformation and metal flow speed between themselves and so the obtained results of finite element method are shown received dependences acceptability for technological calculations of power parameters and evaluation of forming parts. Originality/value. The resulting solutions are used for evaluating character of deformation billets receiving the filling of the die cavity and the possibility of the form stamped parts deviations such as dimple.


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How to Cite

Aliievа L., N. Grudkina, and K. Krueger, “The simulation of radial-backward extrusion processes of hollow parts”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(79), pp. 91–99, Jun. 2017.



Original study