System representation of objects in the context of the practical tasks solving




Complex object, analysis, synthesis, structure, functioning, properties, mechanism of interaction


The work aim is to improve the efficiency of problems solving of analysis and synthesis of complex technical objects. Unlike the traditional representation of objects in the form of interactive models of the structure and functions offered its representation is in the system of concepts - the structure, properties and functioning. This has revealed the mechanism of interaction between structure and properties of the object. The mechanism is the elements of the structure produce the planned set of properties through the process of functioning. It is shown that the sequence of activation of these components is determined by task which is solved. The scheme, which reveals the mechanism of interaction between structure and properties of the object illustrated by the example of a hydraulic device - check valve. General scheme of interaction of the structure and the functioning of complex technical object is represented. The proposed representation can be used to solve practical tasks.


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How to Cite

O. Uzunov, “System representation of objects in the context of the practical tasks solving”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(79), pp. 64–70, Jun. 2017.



Original study