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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Requirements to the manuscripts 
    1.    The basic elements of the article take place in such sequence: number of UDC; initials and last name of every author, last name in English , scientific degree, scientific rank; authors place of work (organization, city, country);the name of the article; the name in English; annotation; text; additions, if they are; list of literature. 
    2.    In the article it is necessary to adhere the terminology, accepted by a state standard; using a new term or abbreviation, an author must decipher and explain them. 
    3.    During the choice of physical size units the author has to adhere to the system CI. 
    4.    The article must be structured and completed by a short conclusion.
    5.    In the article running headlines are not applied. Formulas, pictures, tables, divisions, have simple Arabic numeration. There is no need to number divisions and formulas, if they are not referred to in the text. Tables must not duplicate graphic arts. 
    6. The list of literature is given in order of reference. Reference to unpublished and uncompleted publications is impermissible. Bibliographic description must correspond to the title page of edition. Names of the articles, and also monographs, collections, publication of conferences, theses of lectures, abstracts of dissertations thesisis are specified fully. For the articles their name, the name of edition, the year, the volume, the number, initial and eventual pages, for monographs - the name, the place of edition (city), publishing house, the year of edition, common amount of pages are necessary.
  • 1. Introduction: 
    а) the raising of problem in a general view and its copulas with important scientific or practical tasks; 
    б)    short analysis of the last researches and publications of the problem on which an author leans on 
    в) a selection of earlier unsolved general issue questions, for which the article is dedicated. 
    2.    Raising of task is formulation of the article purpose. 
    3.    Exposition of research basic material with a complete ground of recieved scientific results with its division to pieces with corresponding names. In this division it is recommended to clear up such questions, as: 
          a)    ground review of existent decisions of the put task (if it is necessary); 
          b)    actuality of the put task; 
          c)    choice of methods, approaches, models and instruments for decision of the put task;
          d)    actually the decision of the put task; 
          e)    adequacy of theoretical decisions and advantage of practical decisions above existing; f) examples of the recieved results application. 
    4.    Conclusions: 
          а)    results of this research; 
          b)    prospects of further development in this direction. 
    5.    List of literature. 

Author Guidelines

Our online submission system guides you stepwise through the process of entering your article
details and uploading your files. 

All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for
revision, is sent by e-mail.

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At the time of the author filed stattі guilty oznayomitisya s Claim Forms for zapovnennya od author.

Scientific articles which have such necessary structural elements will be accepted for printing. 

1. Introduction: 
а) the raising of problem in a general view and its copulas with important scientific or practical tasks; 
б)    short analysis of the last researches and publications of the problem on which an author leans on 
в) a selection of earlier unsolved general issue questions, for which the article is dedicated. 
2.    Raising of task is formulation of the article purpose. 
3.    Exposition of research basic material with a complete ground of recieved scientific results with its division to pieces with corresponding names. In this division it is recommended to clear up such questions, as: 
      a)    ground review of existent decisions of the put task (if it is necessary); 
      b)    actuality of the put task; 
      c)    choice of methods, approaches, models and instruments for decision of the put task;
      d)    actually the decision of the put task; 
      e)    adequacy of theoretical decisions and advantage of practical decisions above existing; f) examples of the recieved results application. 
4.    Conclusions: 
      а)    results of this research; 
      b)    prospects of further development in this direction. 
5.    List of literature.  
Volume prystateynoyi bibliography list at least 10. The bulk of the links in the articles should be on paper colleagues published in recent years in prestigious peer-reviewed journals of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Applied Mechanics. are indexed in SciVerse Scopus and Web of Science. In addition, a significant percentage of links to conference proceedings. Most of the sources in the bibliography items were issued in the last 5-7 years.

Design article

The article is given by an author on a white paper. 
- type is "Times New Roman Суr" (type size - 10), printing through one interval, smoothing is on a width. A volume of the article is 4-6-8 pages. 
A manuscript is accompanied: 
     1.    By two reviews (external and internal (abstract of chair meeting record or corresponding independent subdivision about the possibility of publication in a collection)). The articles which did not pass criticizing can not be published. 
     2.    In the articles it is necessary to specify complete information about authors(name of organization, rank, position, city, country, last name, name and patronymic, domestic or official address, telephone, e - mail for connection) - 1 note.
     3.    An abstract to the article. An abstract must have not less than 500 signs. Implementation of abstracts in Russian, Ukrainian and English. 
     4.    Keywords in three languages (Ukrainian, Russian and English). 
     5.    Diskette or compact disk with files (the articles, resumes, abstract, pictures and information about authors). 

Requirements to the manuscripts 
1.    The basic elements of the article take place in such sequence: number of UDC; initials and last name of every author, last name in English , scientific degree, scientific rank; authors place of work (organization, city, country);the name of the article; the name in English; annotation; text; additions, if they are; list of literature. 
2.    In the article it is necessary to adhere the terminology, accepted by a state standard; using a new term or abbreviation, an author must decipher and explain them. 
3.    During the choice of physical size units the author has to adhere to the system CI. 
4.    The article must be structured and completed by a short conclusion.
5.    In the article running headlines are not applied. Formulas, pictures, tables, divisions, have simple Arabic numeration. There is no need to number divisions and formulas, if they are not referred to in the text. Tables must not duplicate graphic arts. 
6. The list of literature is given in order of reference. Reference to unpublished and uncompleted publications is impermissible. Bibliographic description must correspond to the title page of edition. Names of the articles, and also monographs, collections, publication of conferences, theses of lectures, abstracts of dissertations thesisis are specified fully. For the articles their name, the name of edition, the year, the volume, the number, initial and eventual pages, for monographs - the name, the place of edition (city), publishing house, the year of edition, common amount of pages are necessary.

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