кільцева кругла пластинка, шарнірно, частоти, формаAbstract
Circular annual plate hinged fixed on an internal circuit which is jammed and free. For the decision of task the Bessel function of different sort of a zero and first order are used . For every form of vibrations, n 0 , 1, 2 worked out frequency equations and equalization for determination of position of nodal circumferences. The results of calculations of eigenfrequencies are conducted in the case when number of nodal diameters ( n 0,1..2 ), and number of nodal circumferences (s=0, 1, 2). The results of calculations are conducted on position-finding nodal rings in the case when number of nodal diameters ( n 0,1..2 ), and the number of nodal circumferences (s=0, 1, 2, 3 . The work can be used for determination of eigenfrequencies of machines and devices.References
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