laser welding, finite element method, the stress-strain state, sandwich panel, moving conical heat source, temperature fieldAbstract
Purpose. The aim of the work is to determine the values of the residual stresses and plastic deformations, assessment of uniformity of residual stress-strain state assembly sandwich welded panels with longitudinal slotted butt seam.
Design/methodology/approach Numerical simulation of the stress-strain state in laser welding of longitudinal slotted butt seam element of sandwich welded panels panel of austenitic stainless steel 08Х18Н10Т based finite element method in the software package «ABAQUS».
Findings Development of finite element model node beznabornoy welded panels based on its solid geometric model, taking into account the parameters of a heating source for laser welding and panel material.
Originality/value. In this paper for thr element of sandwich welded panels evaluated the residual stress-strain state in laser welding of longitudinal slotted butt seam. The developed finite element model verified implementation of the basic assumptions that are used in engineering approximate methods of calculation of the stress-strain state of welded joints ( linearity of the stress state, the hypothesis of plane sections, symmetry relative of the stress-strain state to the average cross-section of the welded joint ).
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