discontinued grinding, temperature, geometrical parameters of discontinued grinding wheel.Abstract
Purpose. Because in known techniques entry parameters characterizing not only grinding wheel geometry, but also grinding modes, it is necessary to work out the techniques with entry parameters which invariant to the modes of grinding.Design/methodology/approach. The superposition method created a mathematical model for determination of discontinued grinding wheel temperature. As a result a possibility was to compare the model with the known one. It gave the condition to find time constant and evaluate transient time after which the both models will be identical to the temperature calculated. The benefits of this study are a new presentation of the grinding temperature consisting of a periodic part superposed on the rising temperature due to the average surface flux. The values of both parts are given and analyzed and then used to find the minimum grinding temperature by changing
the discontinued grinding wheel geometry parameters: the number of cutting ledges and their fill factor on the discontinued wheel circuitous step. The more the parameters mentioned the less the discontinued grinding temperature will be. The study allows choosing the optimal geometrical parameters of the discontinued grinding wheel on the bases of conformities to law of influence of discontinued grinding wheel geometrical parameters on the grinding temperature. Corresponding recommendations on the choice of discontinued grinding wheel geometrical parameters are presented in some detail as thoroughly as possible.
Findings. The each optimal geometrical parameter intervals of discontinued grinding wheel that does not depend on the grinding modes are found.
Originality/value. The change intervals of the each optimal parameters of discontinued grinding wheel were chosen depending on the minimum discontinued grinding temperature.
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