
  • А В Романов Институт механики им С.П. Тимошенко НАН Украины, г. Киев, Украина, Ukraine



deformation, plasticity resource, “rigidity” exponent, deformation intensity, intensive condition.


The destruction in conditions of long-term static loading is examined in the limits of phenomenological approach as process of exhaustion original resource of the material plasticity, taking into account influence on its amount the nature of deformation and kinetics of “rigidity” intensive condition. The nature of deformation in the presence of developed deformation is taken into account with monotony exponent, which is accurate to a sign proportion second invariants of globular tensors and tension deviator, a relation of intensity of logarithmic deformations to the Odkvist parameter. An energetic approach is a baseline of structure of “rigidity” exponent, which reflects with accuracy to constant multiplier the proportion of specific potential energies of volume and form reduction. The estimation of nature of destruction (adherent, brittle, mixed) realizes from the comparison of amount of accumulate deformation at the moment of exhaustion the plasticity resource and plasticity resource, which is necessary for adherent deformation realization.


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