The circular supported or hinge plate, intermediate hinge, , frequencies, forms.Abstract
A round whole plate is fastened hardly or joint on an external border and has an intermediate circular hinge. Proper oscillation and radiuses of key diameters are in-process determined for symmetric and asymmetrical vibrations of plate. At the decision of task the used Bessel function of different sort of a zero and first order. For every form of vibrations with the number of key diameters of n=0.1, 2 worked out frequency equations and equalizations for position-finding key rings. The conducted calculations of proper oscillation and radiuses of key rings are in case, when number of key diameters of n=0.1, 2, and number of key rings of s=0.1, 2. The work can be used for determination of proper oscillation and radiuses of key diameters for the different type of vibrations joint or the hardly fastened whole plates with the intermediate hinge of, which meet at the elements of machines and devices.References
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