lab centrifuge, rotor, equation of motion.Abstract
Purpose. Definition of influence of gyroscopic effect on vibrations of a laboratory centrifuge. Design/methodology/approach. Vibrations take into account six degrees of freedom. Were found dependences of own frequencies depending on frequency and direction of rotation of a centrifuge. The correlation of results of numerical and experimental definition of values of own frequencies were shown. The model of a gyroscope accepted in article is calculated on its use at the solution of a number of applied tasks. The dynamic characteristics of the centrifuge with design features that consist in fact that it is multi-mass system fixed on elastic support is determined. Contrast to the previous well-known approaches in which the centrifuge is seen as a single-mass construction and do not take into account the design features fixing is shown. In order to study its motion used Lagrange equations of the second kind. Differential equations of motion and the specific features the centrifuge motion defined. Findings. With influence of gyroscopic effect on every degree of freedom we have two resonant frequencies instead of one. Originality/value. This research was important and original in field of vibrations of medical machines, which usually work with high values of frequencies. It shows changes of own frequencies depending on work frequencies. It can help to avoid a resonance during operation.References
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