anthropomorphous robots, space roboticsAbstract
The Space Robotics has two main areas of interest: Orbital Robotics and Planetary Rovers. Orbital Robotics includes manipulation and mobility for scenarios such as International Space Station operations and satellite servicing. Planetary Rovers address scenarios such as Mars and lunar exploration from mobile robot on the surface. Humanoid robots could be useful for future dangerous missions. In this paper reviews tendencies of the development of space robotics, special attention is given to the identification of positive and negative effects of anthropomorphic robots of varying degrees similarity to man. View analysis of robot movement principles. For the main criterion of comparing accepted safety of structure, plants and scientific equipment. The effectiveness of the use of anthropomorphic robots in space is still open. Before making a decision to initiate expensive design space robot is necessary to decide on the establishment of an anthropomorphic or non-anthropomorphic robot by examining all possible factors, because the cost of failure is very high in space.References
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