
  • Сергій Васильович Струтинський National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Олексій Дмитрович Коваль National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv,



bearing, ferromagnetic fluid, static pressure, the velocity distribution, static characteristics, spherical joints, the fluctuations dampers


The schematic solutions of magnetic bearings with ferromagnetic fluid were developed. The experimental measurements of ferromagnetic fluid accumulation in polar plots of various types of magnets were made. The experimental samples of magnetic poles with the cylindrical and annular magnets were made.

The features of hydrostatic pressure distribution in ferromagnetic fluid in a fixed magnetic bearing were founded. On the basis of the stress tensor analysis the centering action of a magnetic field in the magnetic pole areas of magnetic bearing was proved. The interconnection of pressure and magnetic induction were defined.

The static magnetic characteristics of various types of bearings were defined. It is shown that the bearings characteristics are close to linear. Based on the measured static characteristics the variation of magnetic induction in the ferromagnetic fluid layer was determined.

The features of hydrodynamics of ferromagnetic fluid in the bearing were investigated. The effect of changes in magnetic induction in the fluids velocity distribution and the resistance moment in the liquid layer were defined. These proposals of usage the developed magnetic bearings in technical devices such as spherical hinges of spatial mechanisms and effective dampers with fluid friction were given

Author Biographies

Сергій Васильович Струтинський, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv

докторант кафедри Прикладної гідравліки та гідропневмоавтоматики

Олексій Дмитрович Коваль, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv

доцент кафедри Прикладної гідравліки та гідропневмоавтоматики


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