
  • І. В. Гунько Vinnitsa National Agrarian University, Vinnitsa, Ukraine



stress-strain state, free surface, stress state parameter, ultimate strain, accumulated damage, the scalar model, the tensor model, rolling


Object of research are the processes of formation by rolling. Subject of research is the stress-strain state of the free surface of the workpiece material in the process of rolling. The purpose of this paper is to construct models of limit strains for points of the free surface of the workpiece in the process of rolling. Method for determination of stress-strain state at the free surface of the workpiece during forge-rolling was developed. Stress-strain state of the material is determined using experimental and analytical method. This method is based on the construction of an analytical relationship between the logarithmic strain components by of the experimental data. Scalar and tensor models of the limiting state material of the free surface of the workpiece during forge-rolling are developed. The analytical models of the limit state are a generalization of known analytical models for the points of the free surface of the workpiece. These results represent an independent value for the analysis of the quality of the surface layer in the areas of free surface of the workpiece during rolling. It is also important for to set up simulation of plastic deformation of the entire workpiece by finite element method.


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