numerical 3D-modelling, composite, a bolt joint, mixed 3D-model composite, FEMAbstract
In modern it is FEM-programs PLM class-room there is a possibility to create the mixed is FE models in the way of "glued". It allows to create, in particular, for calculations on PC rather small 3D-models of polymeric composite materials (composite) in bolt joints in which composite in zones of apertures it is modelled body-sectional, and behind them – approximately, according to the theory of "the effective module".
In the given message the substantiation of possibility of application of mixed 3D-models composite is spent at modelling of bolt joints by conducting of numerical experiments for definition of the minimum sizes of zones of more exact modelling composite at maintenance of equal accuracy of calculations.
It is created twenty 3D-models of samples single-shear a double-row bolt joint with ПКМ (a contact problem) in which the distance from an aperture to "glued" boundary line (5 values) varied, and also a side play of bolts with apertures (4 values). Magnitude of force of contraction of a package and force stretching a specimen were invariable. By results of calculations limiting values of stress are defined: equivalent on Mises and minimum (tables). Schedules are builted. Leading-outs are drawn, that application of mixed 3D-models composite in bolt joints was possibly, that the minimum distance from an aperture to "glued" boundary line it is possible to choose by formula s> =0.8h, where h - a thickness of a plate with composite, at rather small side plays a bolt/aperture, or as s> = (1 … 1.2) h at the maximum side plays.
This direction of researches needs to be continued, as quantity of parameters of agency much more, than it is observed in the message.
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