large strains, Total Lagrangian, multiplicative decomposition, thermoelasto-plastic analysis, algorithm, FEMAbstract
. It was considered in previous articles (Reports 1,2,3 and 4) how the idea of Lee's multiplicative decomposition of the elastic-plastic Cauchy-Green deformation gradient can be implemented to a generalized decomposition of thermal, elastic, plastic and creep deformations gradient and the admissible forms of the constitutive state equations were established. The objective of the 5-th report is to determine which type of the reference configuration 'unloaded' or 'initial' is more suitable in case of thermo-elasticity with respect to general hyper-elastic postulates. The purpose of this Message – to offer version of effective algorithm for the solution of thermoelasto-plasticity problems with the large strains. Applied proved on the basis of the second law of thermodynamics the law of plastic flow, multiplicative decomposition of a gradient thermoelasto-plastic deformations Koshi-Green, Total Lagrangian formulation and the approach when elastic and plastic deformations are determined concerning the "unloaded" condition. A material – isotropic metal. Have developed effective is finite-element algorithm of calculation of stresses and the large strains in a firm body from an isotropic material at thermoelasto-plasticity, in Total Lagrangian formulation. The algorithm is programmed in the author's FEM-program. The algorithm are checked up on a numerical test example. The developed effective algorithm is generalisation of the algorithm offered by author in 1989 for small strains.
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