ultrasonic cavitation treatment, tubular cavitator, ultrasonic cavitation, ultrasonic processing equipment.Abstract
Purpose. Developing the method for calculating the ultrasonic resonant cavitation cells with radial fluctuations of the cell walls is presented.
Design/methodology/approach. The solution of the wave equation for the fluid that fills the inner volume of the cavitation chamber is analyzed. It is found that the maximum value of sound pressure is on the cavitator axis.
The distribution of the cavitation area coincides with the distribution of sound pressure in the internal volume of the cavitation cell. The distribution of sound pressure is determined by acoustic parameters of the process fluid, cavitator geometric dimensions and operating frequency. It is proposed to consider the cell as equivalent thin ring for cavitator geometric dimensions calculating. This assumption makes it possible to use Tymoshenko engineering formulas for rings fluctuations calculating. Ratio between the sound speed in the material of tubular cavitator ring and process fluid is received by the analysis. In the result two calculation methods are given allowing to calculate the cavitator geometric dimensions at various initial conditions.
Findings. The methods of calculating the geometric dimensions of resonant type cavitation cells with resonant vibrations of the walls are developed.
Originality/value. The proposed method of calculation allows to design the ultrasonic cavitation resonant cells with resonance type with radial fluctuations of the cell walls. Design can be carried out based on the given operating frequency or cavitator diameter.
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