
  • Сергей Янович Бекшаев Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa, Ukraine



buckling, compressed rod, three-span rod, elastic end support, critical force, semicurved form, optimization


In this paper, locations of the intermediate hinge supports of a three-span rod compressed by the axial force constant along the rod length are searched at which the critical force reaches a maximum. Method of the study uses mainly qualitative results of the theory of stability of rod systems relating to the impact of the imposition and redistribution of constraints to their critical force. The qualitative characterizations of these locations, depending on the stiffness of end support, are developed and the characteristic qualitative features of the relevant buckling modes and corresponding critical forces are described. In particular discovered that under certain conditions the maximum critical force corresponds the special semicurved form of buckling, some fragments of which remain undeformed, while the remaining sections are bent in the shapes that are the solutions of simpler problems. The results allow a better understanding of the influence of the position of intermediate supports of three-span rod on its stability and use it in the design and operation of engineering structures.

Author Biography

Сергей Янович Бекшаев, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa

Кафедра теоретической механики, старший преподаватель


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Original study