low-alloyed steels, hydrogen-contained environments, static and cyclic loading, hydrogenation of metal and hydrogen concentration, hydrogen embrittlement.Abstract
The work is dedicated to the evaluation of strength and risk of fracture of low-alloyed pipeline steels under presence of the hydrogen-contained environments.
Purpose. The assessment of hydrogen concentration effect in metal on strength and serviceability of pipeline steels under static and cyclic loading was the aim of presented study.
Design/methodology/approach. The study was realised with using of the methods of physical chemistry, mechanics of materials and materials science.
Findings. The relationship between hydrogen concentration in metal and work for initiation of the local fracture emanating from the notches has been derived. The evaluation of fatigue crack growth rate in pipeline steel with taking into account of local hydrogen concentration near the crack tip was made and it has been found that fatigue crack growth rate is the function of some critical combination of following parameters: local hydrogen concentration at the crack tip, hydrogen concentration in bulk of metal and range of stress intensity factor.
Originality/value. The existence of some critical hydrogen concentration, which causes the significant loss of local fracture resistance of given steels, was shown. This critical value can be considered as an important engineering parameter for strength and fracture assessment of materials and structural components in hydrogenous environments.
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