САМ system, CNC machine, 3D surface manufacturing of human knee-joint prosthesisAbstract
Purpose. Computer-aided design of the NC data for 3D surface manufacturing of prosthetic of human knee-joints on CNC machine with the management by the feed for stabilizing of process of cutting along of all shape-generating trajectory.
Methodology. The new module of CAM system of preparation of the NC data for 3D surface of prosthetic of human knee-joints is created on CNC machine. The module provides preparation of the controls programs for three methods of shaping: milling by a spherical and cylindrical milling cutter, grinding wheel in the form of torus. All three methods can be realized on CNC machine at the use of only three axes. The module automatically executes planning of shape-generating trajectories and on the basis of results designing process of cutting allowance expects the management by the questioner serve so that to stabilize a cutting process in the manufacturing. At planning of management by the serve on lines approach which provides the identical (set) roughness of all surface is used. At planning of management for grinding the border algorithm of cutting allowance is used on passage-ways, and also the trajectory of lost motion is optimized on the criterion of minimum of the dynamic loadings on the drives of machine. All of it results in the increase of the productivity of manufacturing and providing regular quality of 3D surface both for roughness and on the structure of surface layer.
Conclusion. The presented results of practical approbation of functioning of the module for 3D surfaces manufacturing of three types of prosthetic appliances of human knee-joints confirm efficiency of the created module of CAD/CAM systemReferences
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