draught, forging reduction, geometric factor, steel, properties, structureAbstract
Finding correlation between draught deformations mode and forgings properties and structure.
Design/methodology/approach.As a result of the experiment obtained regression equation defining the degree and character of influence of factor of forging reduction and geometric factor on the mechanical properties of metal (yield strength and tensilestrength).Also at work was performed general qualitative analysis of influence of parameters of sediments on the uniformity of microstructure, formed by the cross-sections of the experimental samples.
Findings. geometric factor have more significant influence on the tensile strengththan forging reduction level, and the equal influence on the yield strength. Increasing of value of the geometric factor and forgings reduction leads to increasing yield strength of material and reduce the tensile strength of the material. Geometrical factor as opposed to forging reduction has a greater influence on the yield strength of material. Influence of forging reduction and geometric factors on parameters of tensile strength of the material about the same.
Originality/value.Variation of technological parameters of draught allowsgetting forgings with better properties and equable structureReferences
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