
  • Г. П. Тариков The Gomel State Technical University, named by P.O. Sukhoy, Gomel, Belarus
  • А. Т. Бельский The Gomel State Technical University, named by P.O. Sukhoy, Gomel, Belarus
  • В. В. Комраков The Gomel State Technical University, named by P.O. Sukhoy, Gomel, Belarus
  • В. Н. Пархоменко The Gomel State Technical University, named by P.O. Sukhoy, Gomel, Belarus



Electrostatic field, Quasi-Stationary Electric Field, Electrical Simulation, Electrical Simulation Device, Wear, Gearing


Purpose.A great number of works in the field of contact interaction mechanics including those with account of the wear of contact surfaces, and the desire to take into consideration the factors even at the stage of designing elements of higher kinematic pairs proves the topicality of the problem under consideration. However, solving such problems by means of analytical and numeric methods is connected with the necessity to overcome considerable difficulties, and in some cases it is impossible. That is why other methods of solving them, and, in particular, with help of electrical simulation are of both scientific and practical interest.

Design/methodology/approach. The paper considers the essence of electrostatic analogy. It presents the way of solving 3D contact problems by means of electrical simulation based on the application of quasi-stationary electric field. It also presents the description of a special electrical simulation device made for solving the problems. The device enables to do experimental research and process obtained results automatically. It is shown that the accuracy of the results obtained in the experiments is enough for engineering applications.

Findings.The paper also presents the problem about point contact of gear teeth with account of wear. It shows the influence of contact surfaces wear on the distribution of contact pressures. It presents contact areas for different points of gearing. The diagrams of contact pressures on their different sections are given.

Originality/value. It is concluded that the solution of wear-contact problems enables to choose the best geometry of contact surfaces of elements of higher kinematic pairs on the designing stage and get a considerable economic effect

Author Biographies

Г. П. Тариков, The Gomel State Technical University, named by P.O. Sukhoy, Gomel

д.т.н. проф.

А. Т. Бельский, The Gomel State Technical University, named by P.O. Sukhoy, Gomel

к.т.н. доц.

В. В. Комраков, The Gomel State Technical University, named by P.O. Sukhoy, Gomel

к.т.н. доц.


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