Computer-aided Modeling, Injection Casting, Injection Moulding, Weld LineAbstract
Purpose. Computer-aided modeling of optimal values of technological parameters of aluminium nitride-based ceramic items moulding depending on their size, material, site of the injection opening in a press-form.
Methodology. Technological research of injection moulding regularity of the complex form products from technical ceramics and computer optimization of process.
Findings.The computer-aided modeling of ceramic items injection moulding has been executed. The pressure and mould filling time fields in the mould cavity during the injection have been derived. The optimal local position of the injection openings, when a minimal length of weld lines in item at the end of process is observed, has been determined. The dependences of mould filling time and length of weld lines with deferent viscosity of materials on diameter of item have been defined. The output data for development of technologies of mass production of products from technical ceramics are obtained
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