



elementary particle error, field structure details


In a previous series of articles [1, 2] some spatial elements as a share point in the technological process are considered. This review showed that all these elements have their geometric dimensions and their inherent uncertainty. However, as a result of the study revealed that there should be some universal unit that would satisfy all the requirements for the physical and mathematical description of measurement errors and workspace. Currently, such items can be classic geometric shapes that have the same design from any view (projection). Among all the geometric shapes for consideration ball, cube, cylinder equilateral are most suitable. Using these particles, we are able to provide a mathematical description of the real and imaginary surface, as the basis for the formation of error and dual surface, which causes a measuring system. In this case, the introduction of elementary particle errors allows to physical and mathematical descriptions of the error in the form of field structures details are perform

Author Biography

Володимир Іванович Скицюк, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

IMF, PhD Techn. Sc., Senior Res.


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Original study