
  • Ігор Анатолійович Гришко Націона́льний техні́чний університе́т Украї́ни «Ки́ївський політехні́чний інститу́т», Україна
  • Олександр Федорович Луговський НТУУ "КПІ", Україна


Ключові слова:

cavitation, cavitation processing of liquids, disinfecting, disinfection use of chlorine, application of ultrasound, application of an ultraviolet, application of boiling, use of silver, use of ozone for disinfecting


In article allocated the main methods of liquids disinfecting. Water disinfecting is an example. We considered features of impact different methods of disinfecting on microorganisms. Shown these disinfecting methods of impact on a human organism. Marked out advantages and shortcomings of the most widespread methods water disinfecting. We carried out the comparative analysis of the specified methods of disinfecting. Shown the physical method of disinfecting as the most perspective. Formulated requirements to the ultrasonic equipment, which applied to disinfecting of liquids.


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