Using the functional approach in the development of hybrid processes in engineering: theoretical base




hybrid tool, functional approach, processing of composites, laser processing, jet-laser cutting, cryogenic ice generation


The principles of creating hybrid processing processes based on the functional approach are given. It is proposed to consider the formation of individual elements of the product (planes, holes, fillets, ledges) through functions that are provided by a combination of such elements. At the same time, the required depth of technological influences is analyzed, based on which a set of influences that are different in nature, but compatible, on some basic carrier, is selected. It is proposed to use a high-speed liquid flow as such a carrier. Hybridization of a tool based on a water jet of small diameter can be achieved by combining with laser heating, cryogenic cooling, and the formation of a flow of ice particles, mechanical initiation of surface damage with further development of surface defects. The high efficiency of hybrid processes for processing composite materials is shown.


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How to Cite

O. Salenko, S. Klymenko, V. Orel, V. Kholodny, and N. Gavrushkevich, “Using the functional approach in the development of hybrid processes in engineering: theoretical base”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 41–55, May 2022.



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