agile system, triangle, bellows, constructions, pressure changes, the elastic line, analytical descriptionAbstract
The possibility of planar sealed agile drive systems development without joints is substantiated. It is proposed to use rigidly connected to the vertices of a triangle bellows air motors with an additional compression by springs as actuators. To ensure the mobility of elastically deformed system it is proposed to provide special aerostatic bearings. Schematics and designs of mechatronic drive systems and the element base for their implementation are developed. The results of research of consistent patterns of the air pressure changings in elastically deformed bellows drives are represented. The parameters of the stress-strain state of the system, including rigidly connected bellows when changing the configuration of the system as it moves are defined. The analytical expressions for the calculation of the elastic lines of planar drive systems are given. The form of symmetrically deformed bellows is proposed to describe as a circular arc to simplify. At the same time the contraction of length of the bellows actuator due to its lateral deformation is defined. According to the research results the conclusions that are justifying the development of an agile mechatronic planar elastically deformed system drives are doneReferences
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