construction, ball movement, dynamic model equation modeling cyclic motion loop-shaped motion.Abstract
The urgency of developing space systems with hose pneumatic actuators. It is shown that an effective method of data research is mathematical modeling. An analysis of the literature substantiates the direction of research in the development of a mathematical model in the form of partial dynamic chain of spherical motion.
The features developed spatial system drives with a hose pneumatic actuator. Based on the proposed dynamic model composed of a system of differential equations of motion of individual spherical partial subsystems.
The structural and mathematical model calculations of the pole moving platform. Calculations are performed for different initial conditions and different loading schemes. It is shown that the formulation of emphasis on having cyclic ring moving platform. This trajectory has nested loops , which are caused by difference frequency partial subsystems platform and rod. The analysis of staging systems for emphasis. It is shown that the trajectory of the moving platform pole in this case is within the pole, which has a loopshaped character. Cycle spherical moving platforms are within the specified bandwidth.
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