The thrust coefficient of adhesion weight, Spot wheels in contact with the rail, Аdd to the load device, Оperational factorsAbstract
Purpose.Determination of the effect of the finish loading devices and operational factors on the parameters of the contact wheel and rail. Improve the designs add to the load device.
Results. The article describes the main factors that determine the realizable thrust. The results of the investigation of the parameters of the contact wheel and rail, depending on operational factors and add to the load of devices due to the body with a cart. The improved design add to the load device, which improves traction and braking as the engine. The results of changes in the coefficient of adhesion weight in the implementation of traction
Range of applications. Traction rolling stock of railways.
Conclusions. The studies found a negative impact of operational factors on the parameters of the contact. For the first wheelset decrease contact area by 9%. In turn, the use of devices to add to the load first wheelset can increase the contact area by 7%. To improve traction and braking qualities proposed design improvement and the location add to the load of devices on trucks of the locomotive, by extending their functionalityReferences
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