Hydrodynamic cavitation, Bubbles, Bubble Collapse, Surface-tension, Physical and Chemical Process, Parameters, Optimization.Abstract
A purpose of the offered article is study of basic parameters of hydrodynamic cavitation and their influence on physical and chemical mechanisms. The simplified theoretical scheme of physical and chemical process of hydrodynamic cavitation is offered. Influence of forces of surface-tension is considered on stability of cavitation bubble. Basic parameters for theoretical researches of hydrodynamic cavitation it is been: construction (design) of working chamber of reactor, flow rate liquid and working pressure. The characteristic orders of hydrodynamic cavitation were determined from experimental measurements in our cavitation, which consist on a cavitation loop with a 300 L tank, a 4,5 kW rotodynamic multistage pump, cavitation vortex reactor and a set control measuring devices. The basic parameter of influence of cavitation on the processed environment is an amount of bubbles, appearing in a watercourse and them collapse. The conducted theoretical and experimental researches allowed to get the detailed information on flowing of physical and chemical processes and specify physical essence of the looked after phenomena.References
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