physical vapour deposition in vacuum, nitrite of titan, raster electronic microscopy, atomic-force microscopyAbstract
t. Results over of increase of efficiency of working instrument of processing equipment are in-process brought due to forming plasma besieging of wearproof coverages on the basis of nitrite of titan on its surfaces. One of effective methods of increase of the productivity and wearproofness of such instrument is strengthening of it superficial layer by education on its surface nanostructural coverages of nitrite of titan. As a result of the conducted analysis of methods of formation of such structures, it is shown that perspective is retrofitting of basis of instrument by coverages of TiNx, that can be got a method gas of the phase vacuum-depositing (PVD - method). Forming feature such nanostructural coverages of nitrite of titan on the working instruments of food and processing equipment combined PVD - method with further low a power beam-processing consists in adsorption of active molecules of atoms of titan and nitrogen with material of basis. It results in the height of coverage on a titanic phase as a result of co-operating of molecules of coverage with the crystalline grate of basis. The possible mechanism of besieging of TiN comes into question on the basis of microscopic data on the study of structure of surface. He consists in that the defects related to removing layer by layer of coverage are observed anymore in intermetallide, that is formed on the chromic matrix of material of basis - Х18Н10Т. Titanic phase that at formed the intermetallide is, mainly, in the liquid state has less of defects in a structure. An amount of embryos of TіN on a titanic phase must be large, that would result in the height of coverage. However, forming features nanostructural coverages of TiN on working instruments combined PVD - method with further low a power beamprocessing consist in adsorption of active molecules of atoms of titan and nitrogen with material of basis, namely - by a titanic phase. It is related to that right behind formation of molecules of TiN the stage of co-operation of its molecules goes with the grate of basis. This process is directed toward the decline of free superficial energy and comes true during crystallization of TiN with the least distortions in a crystalline grate. As a result of catalytic action of metals of basis, the power stay of molecules on verge of division of phases differs from molecules that bed in the volume of coverage. Consequently, in the process of overcoating the heated surface of steel (titanic phase) activates the process of formation of TіN. Thus, by the main result of research of working instruments of food and processing equipment on the example of feathering drill of machine for cutting of ends of bow and drilling of core without and with coverage of TiN there is an increase of term of exploitation of instrument with coverage to 2200 hours (55 working days of exploitation) by comparison to a drill without coverage - 800 hours (20 working days of exploitation) at effort on a drill 186 Н.References
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