curvature, deformation, forging, drawing, cross sectionAbstract
Purpose. The main aim of the study is to optimize the straightness of obtaining forgings with the implementation of the drawing process by different schemes for possible automatization modes of deformation and reduce the need for further edits of forgings. Design/methodology/approach. The main research method is a computer simulation of forging process of titanium billets. To determine the degree of curvature of the forgings at the end of the process has been developed a method which allows to determine the deviation of the Central axis of the billet from the normal. Findings. As a result of this work were made the conclusions about the schemes of forging of forgings on the degree of their curvature. Developed and improved forging scheme that allows to achieve the minimal curvature of the billet during the forging process, and also to achieve the minimal uneven distribution of deformations in the metal. Originality/value. The results of this work are applicable in the industrial production of forgings made from titanium alloys and can be the basis for writing computer programs for automatization of the forging process on the automated forging complexes.References
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