Modernization of the vacuum gripper of the mobile walking robot


  • M. Polyshchuk Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine



mobile robots, vertical movement robots, stepping mechanisms' robot grips


The article describes the description of the construction and mathematical model of the capture of a mobile robot. Capture allows you to increase the reliability of holding the mobile robot on the moving surface. This quality is achieved through the use of feedback in the monitoring system for monitoring the topology of the displacement surface. Rational relations of constructive parameters of robot capture are provided. An automatic compensation of the drop in the depth of the vacuum under the gripper due to a possible influx of air into the suction cup is carried out, when the topology of the displacement surface is changed. The results of the research give a guaranteed retention of the robot on the surface of displacement of arbitrary orientation. These technical solutions are recommended for constructing systems of retention of mobile robots on the displacement surface.


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How to Cite

M. Polyshchuk, “Modernization of the vacuum gripper of the mobile walking robot”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 2(80), pp. 59–64, Oct. 2017.



Original study