The main requirements for research work against the challenges of "Industry - 4.0" and the analysis of ongoing work in improving the state of the material and technical base and improving the level of training of young engineers


  • R. Turmanidze Грузинский Технический Университет (ГТУ), Тбилиси, Georgia
  • G. Popkhadze Грузинский Технический Университет (ГТУ), Тбилиси, Georgia



scientific - technological revolution, "industry-4", a young professional, material resources, teaching methods and assessment of training, computer designing, computer manufacture, automated control, Remote control processes


The work analyzes theoretical and practical results obtained after each of the first three world scientific - technical revolution, appreciated their role in the development of humanity, and improve the level of industry in different sectors of the economy. More discussed in detail situation on the threshold of the fourth scientific - technical revolution "industry-4". It is proved crucial in accelerating these processes, the level of training of young engineering staff and suggestions, some ideas and solutions to these problems on the example of the Georgian Technical University.


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How to Cite

R. Turmanidze and G. Popkhadze, “The main requirements for research work against the challenges of "Industry - 4.0" and the analysis of ongoing work in improving the state of the material and technical base and improving the level of training of young engineers”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 3(81), pp. 117–124, Dec. 2017.



Editorial invited article