Physical model of fluid flows in spacecraft tank




spherical reservoir, circulating currents, spacecraft, velocity field, velocity decay time


The results of an experimental study of liquid fuel flows in the tanks of a spacecraft during its rotation are presented. The analysis of structure and character of flows development on time is carried out, variants of graphic dependences approximation are offered. Graphical diagrams are presented, according to which it is convenient to present a three-dimensional nonlinear picture of non-stationary axisymmetric flow in a spherical reservoir, as well as methods of influencing flows with the help of internal baffles. Estimation of the obtained experimental data probability testifies to the rather high quality of the measurement results and the constructed picture of the currents in the spherical tank with internal baffles.


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How to Cite

V. Kovalev, V. Kalyuzhny, and V. Gornostay, “Physical model of fluid flows in spacecraft tank”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 212–217, Nov. 2021.



Aviation Systems and Technologies