Probation results of the original swirling drying apparatus for paste products


  • V. Marchevskii Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Y. Grobovenko Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine



drying process, drying apparatus, vortex flow, coolant, dispersion, powder, dryness


The purpose of this work is substantiating the technology of drying finely divided paste products and to offer the construction of a vortex dryer, to make the original apparatus and to determine the conditions under which the process of drying the titanium dioxide paste in the vortex flow of the heat carrier occurs, and the resulting dried product fits the technical and consumer requirements. In the article the method and the original drying vortex apparatus for drying of paste-like products and obtaining finely divided powders, the characteristics of which comply with generally accepted requirements and standards are proposed. As a result of the theoretical, simulation and experimental studies of the operation of the installation, optimal modes and operating conditions have been determined which provide the necessary hydrodynamic modes of the heat carrier movement and the high speed of the processes of drying and drying of the product. The resulting final product, a finely divided titanium dioxide powder, meets all mechanical and consumer standards. The experimental, static and dynamic methods for determining the gas phase pressure differences, the kinetics of the grinding, drying and drying of fine-dispersed products and the optical method for investigating photo samples of the finished product TiO2 are used in the work. The design of the drying apparatus can be used to obtain fine particles and pigments from paste-like products, by intensive grinding and drying, in food, light, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper and other industries.


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How to Cite

V. Marchevskii and Y. Grobovenko, “Probation results of the original swirling drying apparatus for paste products”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 2(83), pp. 100–107, Oct. 2018.



Original study