Modeling of Loads in the Drive System of a Roller Press on an Example of a Press for Briquetting Brown Coal




briquetting, briquette, fuel, roller press, drive system


Fine grained or dust materials often need to be consolidated in a bigger form. This increases the some parameters of this raw material or prepare them for processing in appropriate technology, for example utilization. An example can be brown coal. In Europe there are rich resources of this raw material. Briquetting of this hi-energy raw material improves its properties for use. In the form of briquettes it can be used for energy production - mainly electricity, as well as heat. One of the most profitable methods of agglomeration is briquetting in roller press. When designing or choosing the press, proper compacting unit is required to ensure proper briquettes and the specified power of the press. This involves providing the necessary energy that should be provide to a drive system. Inadequate estimation of the power needed for the briquetting process results in the process being incorrect or creating unnecessary investment costs. The article presents the analysis of the influence of material and the volume of materials on the load of the drive system, with the given capacity of the press.


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How to Cite

M. Bembenek, “Modeling of Loads in the Drive System of a Roller Press on an Example of a Press for Briquetting Brown Coal”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 84, no. 3(84), pp. 113–124, Dec. 2018.



Original study