Thermal barrier coatings on niobium-based alloys structural materials


  • V. P. Babak Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V. V. Shchepetov Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • T. T. Suprun Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. V. Kharchenko National Aviation University, Ukraine
  • S. D. Kharchenko Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine



alloy, structure, system, temperature, coatings


Abstract. During thermocyclic creep, the properties of a niobium alloy with a two-layer combined coating were studied at a temperature of 1400 ºС in air. A comparison of the data obtained with other coatings is made. The role of the shape and distribution of cracks in the mechanism of strength degradation of coatings is investigated. Consideration of many factors in the formation of the combined coating ensured an increase in its durability of 1.9...8.5 folds depending on the temperature mode of creep.

The applied structural materials do not provide the relevant requirements for the development of modern technology, the need to increase their functionality. Thus, the operational capabilities of nickel alloys, which for decades have provided the aerospace complex, have almost reached the upper limit. One of the actually directions for solving the existing situation is the alternative use of new generation heat-resistant materials for modern highly reliable equipment. For example, the use of niobium-based alloys, the prospect of which is due to their physicomechanical properties than excellent similar products.


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How to Cite

V. P. Babak, V. V. Shchepetov, T. T. Suprun, O. V. Kharchenko, and S. D. Kharchenko, “Thermal barrier coatings on niobium-based alloys structural materials”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 2(86), pp. 44–50, Nov. 2019.


