Dependence of static strength of large single crystals of synthetic diamond type and Ib octahedral habit after heat treatment on their size




single crystal, synthetic diamond type Ib, octahedral habit, static strength, diamond tool


This article focuses on the problem of using large single crystals of type Ib synthetic diamond in single crystal and drilling tools. According to the literature review for the use of large diamonds in drilling equipment relevant conditions. The is shown possible negative effects of the temperature load on the diamond single crystal. The is presented developed technique for estimating the static strength of large diamond single crystals. It has been shown that microcrystals in the form of octahedra and cubes are formed as a result of heat treatment on the surface of synthetic diamond single crystals. The results of studies of the strength of large single crystals of synthetic diamonds of millimeter size are shown. In contrast to the classical approach, when IIb crystals are used for the production of drilling equipment, we present Ib crystals because they are closer to natural diamond in terms of physical and mechanical properties. The static strength criterion was used to assess the strength. It has been shown that crystals with a size of 1000 ... 1100 μm have a higher value of static strength than crystals with a size of 1200 μm and larger.


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How to Cite

M. Tsysar, S. Ivakhnenko, A. Zakora, G. Ilnitska, O. Zanevsky, and E. Zakora, “Dependence of static strength of large single crystals of synthetic diamond type and Ib octahedral habit after heat treatment on their size”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 177–182, Nov. 2021.


