Monitoring of resistance spot welding process




resistance spot welding, monitoring, splash, surface state, neural network


Resistance spot welding is a process with high productivity and high level of automation. This rises a number of tasks related to development of quality evaluation and process monitoring systems operating in real-time mode which would allow to detect non-compliant joints during the process run of shortly after it is finished. The more complex task is to make such system as much universal as possible, consisting of relatively simple equipment and with a possibility of full automation of evaluation process. Research was focused on electrical welding parameters which determine the thermal cycle of the welding process as well as the state of metal in the welding zone and its plasticity. Experiments were performed for work pieces with different pre-welding state of surface. Developed method also allows to monitor the state of working surfaces of electrodes and to detect splashes with a relatively high accuracy.


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How to Cite

Y. Sovetchenko, D. Vdovychenko, I. Vdovychenko, Y. Chvertko, I. Skachkov, and M. Shevchenko, “Monitoring of resistance spot welding process”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 249–253, Nov. 2021.



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