Cold stamping of a cartridge case blank for 40x53 mm caliber grenade launcher ammunition




workpiece with hollows, double-sided extrusion, reverse extrusion, deformation intensity, fracture criterion


Problems. The choice of a rational method for stamping blanks with two hollows is usually carried out according to the permissible degree of deformation, the coefficient of material utilization, and the productivity of the process without taking into account the effect of the deformation pattern on the final mechanical properties of the stamped semi-finished product.

Purpose of the study. Determination of a rational method for stamping a blank of a 40x53 mm grenade launcher cartridge case based on the results of computer modeling using the finite element method. Cartridge case material - AD35 aluminum alloy. The workpiece has two hollows with different diameters and depths.

Implementation technique. By means of computer modeling using the finite element method, two options for stamping of a workpiece are researched - double-sided extrusion and sequential reverse extrusion with tilting of the workpiece.

Research results. Based on the results of the research, the features of deformation according to the given schemes, as well as the energy-force parameters and parameters of the stress-strain state of the processes, are determined. It has been established that both methods make it possible to obtain blanks with specified geometric dimensions. At the same time, sequential back extrusion provides a more uniform and predictable deformation of the material along the cross-section of the workpiece, but loses in productivity to double-sided extrusion.

Conclusions. The obtained research results can be used as criteria when choosing the optimal option for stamping of a workpiece with two hollows by cold extrusion.


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How to Cite

M. Orlyuk, V. Pimanov, and V. Zhukov, “Cold stamping of a cartridge case blank for 40x53 mm caliber grenade launcher ammunition ”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 359–365, Dec. 2021.



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