Investigation of the impedance of liquid-dispersed environment in the conditions of ultrasonic cavitation treatment




cavitation, wave resistance, modes, model, rheological properties, acoustic parameters, processing efficiency


The research of efficiency of use of cavitation energy in technological processes is carried out in the work. It is established that the efficiency is determined by a number of conditions, in particular the maximum use of energy from the source of oscillations and the minimum scattering in the structural elements, the stability of parameters and modes of operation of ultrasonic process equipment. Taking them into account, an algorithm for constructing a mathematical model for the studied environments is proposed. Consistent clarification of the physical nature and mechanism of the process of technological cavitation processing determines the parameters of the model. Taking into account this approach, the peculiarities of the propagation of ultrasonic waves between the emitter and the reflector are investigated. It is established that under the conditions of occurrence of ultrasonic cavitation in the technological environment there are significant changes in its acoustic properties. Taking into account these features is fundamentally important in establishing the modes and parameters of cavitation treatment. The initial value for the calculations of the system "cavitator - environment" is the load resistance of the technological environment.


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How to Cite

I. Bernyk, . I. Nazarenko, and O. Luhovskyi, “Investigation of the impedance of liquid-dispersed environment in the conditions of ultrasonic cavitation treatment”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 351–358, Dec. 2021.



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