Analysis of the strength of the frame of a two-section hopper car with a closed center beam design




transport mechanics, hopper car, basic structure, frame optimization, loading of the structure, strength.


Background. Ensuring the profitability of rail transportation and maintaining their leadership positions necessitates the commissioning of promising rolling stock designs. Such rolling stock should not only have improved technical and economic indicators, but also ensure the minimization of empty runs. Therefore, the creation of promising designs of rolling stock, designed for the simultaneous transportation of different types of cargo, is a very topical issue.

Objective. Illumination of the results of determining the strength of the frame of a two-section hopper car with a closed center beam design under the main operating modes of loading.

Methods. In order to reduce the material consumption of the frame of the hopper car, the optimization method for safety reserves was used. For this purpose, the strength of a typical frame of a hopper car was calculated using the finite element method implemented in the SolidWorks Simulation software package. To reduce the material consumption of the hopper car frame, it is proposed to use a rectangular profile for the center sill.

Results. The use of a rectangular profile for the center beam of the hopper car frame is substantiated. At the same time, it becomes possible to reduce its weight by 2.3% compared to the standard version. The results of calculations for the strength of the hopper car frame showed that the maximum equivalent stresses in it are 341.5 MPa and do not exceed the permissible values.

Conclusions. The conducted research will contribute to the creation of developments in the design of advanced rolling stock structures, as well as to increase the efficiency of railway transport operation.



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How to Cite

O. Fomin and A. Lovska, “Analysis of the strength of the frame of a two-section hopper car with a closed center beam design ”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 101–106, May 2022.


