Improving the quality of antifriction coatings using plastic deformation


  • Ihor Shepelenko Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Faculty of Construction and Transport, department of Exploitation and repairing machines, Ukraine
  • Yakiv Nemyrovskyi Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, department of Ecology and environment Protection, Ukraine
  • Eduard Posviatenko National Transport University, Faculty of Automotive Engineering, department of Production, repair and materials science, Ukraine



anti-friction coating, finishing anti-friction non-abrasive treatment, deforming broaching, surface microrelief


One of the ways to solve the shortage of anti-friction materials based on copper is the creation of anti-friction coatings on the surface of parts made from domestic raw materials. The technology of applying anti-friction coatings by finishing anti-friction non-abrasive treatment on the working surfaces of cast-iron products is considered. The use of deforming broaching to improve the quality of the antifriction coating is proposed. The reserves for their improvement due to the creation of favorable shapes and sizes of microroughnesses in the operations preceding the coating are determined. The study of the contact interaction of the microroughness of the machined surface with the tool was carried out on model samples. The main regularities of the formation of an antifriction coating on a cast-iron surface are established depending on the initial microrelief and processing modes. The effectiveness of the use of deforming broaching when applying an antifriction coating is studied by changing the height parameter of roughness. The performed studies allowed us to propose various schemes of the technological process of applying anti-friction coatings by the friction-mechanical method using deforming broaching, depending on the technical requirements for the product.


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How to Cite

I. Shepelenko, Y. Nemyrovskyi, and E. Posviatenko, “Improving the quality of antifriction coatings using plastic deformation”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 24–30, May 2022.



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