Finding and analyzing of the energy and force parameters of the flange formation process by orbital stamping by rolling




orbital stamping, rolling stamping, energy-force parameters, technological process, work balance method, modeling, finite element method


A characteristic feature of the details considered in the article is the increased diameter of the flange. At the Department of Aircraft Production Technology of the Scientific and Educational Mechanical and Mechanical Engineering Institute of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorskyi developed an original technological process for manufacturing products with a developed flange part using the positive effects of the progressive rolling stamping method. The method has energy-strength advantages over traditional methods of manufacturing parts with relatively thin structural elements. The center of application of such technologies is expanding more and more, but the basic technological calculations of process parameters have not yet been introduced widely enough into production practice. The proposed sequence of technological calculations and basic parameters of specialized installations for rolling stamping.


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How to Cite

S. Godziy, A. Klisko, and V. Myronenko, “Finding and analyzing of the energy and force parameters of the flange formation process by orbital stamping by rolling”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 161–167, Oct. 2022.



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